Island: Akala. Items. S. Damp: Explosion, Selfdestruct & Mind Blown will not work while the Pokémon is on the field. Stadium. Choose which generation of games you're playing to see the Pokémon and capture. It has many scientists researching. Once during each player's turn, that player may search their deck for a Basic Pokémon or Basic Pokémon, put it onto their Bench, and shuffle their deck. O. The Totem Pokémon's Speed stat is raised. Pokemon. Choose which generation of games you're playing to see the Pokémon and capture methods. Items. Cha ♂. Its architecture is heavily influenced by designs from the Johto region. 20. OT: Hila. Route 8 is the northernmost route on Akala Island. Route 5 in Pokemon Sun and Moon connects Paniola Town to Brooklet Hill and the LushUltra Sun: Location Method Time Rarity Initial or SOS Grass Patch Level Brooklet Hill: Walking / Grass Night 20% Initial: All AreasPikachu Valley. However, Speed. Within it, there are multiple water pools as you go down to the basin at the bottoBrooklet Hill, Alola. Beachfront. Pokemon. Choose which generation of games you're playing to see the Pokémon and capture methods. 190. If it finds vulnerable, weak. Then the one with the smaller bubble gets out of the other’s way. Access To: Route 10, Hokulani Observatory. Both share the Water and Bug types and the same base stat total of 269, both evolve at the same level, and both can be found at Brooklet Hill in Pokémon Sun and Moon, taking the place of the other depending on the time, with Dewpider being found during the day and Surskit at night. ; In Pokémon Sun and Moon, Xurkitree has a catch rate of 30 and a base experience yield of 114. Wela Volcano Park. Its water bubble allows it to breathe and protects its soft head. It also has the Akala Island. Abilities: Reckless (Red-Striped Form BWB2W2 & Blue-Striped Form BW) - Rock Head (Blue-Striped Form - B2W2) - Adaptability - Mold Breaker (Dream World) Reckless (Red Striped Form in all games & Blue-Striped Form in Black & White): The power of moves that have recoil damage is increased by 20%. It's a Totem Araquanid. In the western part of the sea is a small path leading to a hidden cave in Ten Carat Hill. West Exit: Memorial Hill. Finneon's most notable feature is the pair of caudal fins. Route 5 connects Paniola Ranch and Route 8, with connections to Brooklet Hill and Lush Jungle. Wishiwashi debuted in True Identity and the Totem Pokémon of Brooklet Hill. Part 4: Brooklet Hill Big Wave Beach. Flyable to?: Yes. South Exit: Route 1. In Pokémon Sun and Ultra Sun, if the player visits Kiawe's room at night (after passing Olivia's grand trial S or becoming Champion US), they will be able to battle him at Royal Avenue. Hidden Ability (Available): Swift Swim: When rainy, The Pokémon’s Speed doubles. net TCG. 11. Route 9 (Japanese: 9番道路 Route 9) is a route on Alola 's Akala Island, connecting Diglett's Tunnel, Memorial Hill, and Konikoni City . Brooklet Hill (Japanese: せせらぎの 丘 Brooklet Hill) is a location on Akala Island in Alola, located west of Route 5. A route that takes you to Wela Volcano Park. Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Alomomola in Generation VII. Her sisters will ask for you to battle her in order to. A pink stripe runs across either side of Finneon's horizontal length. It contains some grass and fishing areas before leading up to the Ruins of Life. Island: Akala. ; In Pokémon Sun and Moon, Xurkitree is the only Ultra Beast with a single type. East Exit: Ancient Poni Path. Trainers. This route follows a road that curves around the top of the island, but it has a lot of grass on the northern and southern parts of the route. Here, you can scan various QR Codes and add the Pokémon as "Seen" on your Pokédex. Melemele Sea (Japanese: メレメレ海 Melemele Sea) is a location on Melemele Island in Alola, located east of Hau'oli City and southeast of Route 1. It contains a house built by the Aether Foundation. South Exit: Seafolk Village. Once a day, there is a job to throw Pyukumuku back into the ocean for 20,000 PokéDollars. The bridge gets destroyed at the start of the game but rebuilt later. Continue through the city until you reach the Alola Photo Club, which is marked on your map. It requires Lapras Paddle or Sharpedo Jet to access. East Exit: Route 7. Detailing all effects of the cardPokemon. West Exit: Poni Beach. It features many small islands and impassable rocks. S. In the TCG Main article: Alomomola (TCG) Game data Pokédex entriesBulletproof. ”. Island: Akala. North Exit: Dividing Peak Tunnel. In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, the Dividing Peak Tunnel is placed between Route 7 and Route 8. IGN takes you through Brooklet Hill in the Alola region in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon for the Nintendo 3DS. This route is filled with nature surrounding it. Cutiefly often gather near the tall grass where. Items. Battles. Pokemon. Trainers. you can now explore Brooklet Hill and capture any Pokemon found through. Mahalo Trail is a small path that leads up to the Ruins of Conflict. 5,120. Abilities: Effect Spore - Dry Skin - Damp (Hidden Ability) Effect Spore: The opponent has a 10% chance of being induced by PARALYZE, POISON, or SLEEP when using an attack, that requires physical contact, against this Pokémon. North Exit: Ruins of Life. The tail and pectoral fins are dull blue and tattered in appearance. For more Pokemon locations, moves, hidden it. Check out Basculin Pokémon Scarlet & Violet data. Brooklet Hill, Alola (location) This is the Pokémon Location guide for Brooklet Hill in Alola . North Exit: Route 1. Get the Fishing Rod Follow this. 1m. Items. East Exit: Tapu Village. Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Alomomola in that game. 5kg. Cat. Brooklet Hill is on the west coast of Akala Island, accessible through Route 5 in Pokemon Sun and Moon. Poni Plains, Alola. The bottom half of its body is light-blue while the top half is black. Hau'oli City is the biggest city in the Alola Region and runs along the coastal part of south-west Melemele Island. If not, then the Capture Rate remains at 1. The Totem Pokémon's Defense stat is raised by 1 stage. PokéRide used in Melemele Sea:Brooklet Hill - Tag Bolt - Serebii. Stadium. Location of Route 9 in Alola. Items. 1. Good luck! Source: /u/lycillaMelemele Island Day: Pokemon: Location: Egg move: Sunday Charmander Route 3 Counter Monday Squirtle Seaward Cave Aqua jet Tuesday Onix. However, Speed will not double on the turn weather becomes Heavy Rain. First, you need to impress him by hatching over 20 Pokémon Eggs. On the bright side, many Pokémon enjoy longer life spans, thanks to Magikarp. Island: Ula'ula. South Exit: Iki Town. Items. Small Pokémon get sucked into the bubble, where they drown. Thanks to their strong hold on life, dirty water doesn’t bother them at all. After that, he will provide you with the function of checking your Pokémon's IVs in the boxes. Location of Malie City in Alola. Kiawe's house is located in the northwest of the town. Island: Akala. There are a lot of interactable Pikachu here, as well as a way to get the Pikashunium Z and Pikachu outfits. Mount Hokulani. Walkthrough: After defeating your second Island Trial, you can then hang back in Brooklet Hill and try your best at finding the number of different Wild Pokemon found throughout, as well as any item. When you enter, you'll see the group of Wishiwashi you herded start to form into its School Form, but before it can complete, a larger shadow comes underwater and bursts from the ocean. In the game, Pokémon in S. This also harshly lowers the. You get 512 Pokédollars for winning. South Exit: Royal Avenue. Trial Captain #2 - Lana. Brooklet Hill. The Beachfront of Hau'oli City doesn't contain much but does have a beach with items as well as some items. Pokémon Sun & Moon continues this, with a few changes. Pikachu Valley is a location in Akala Island where Pikachu tend to gether. Trainers. This card stays in play when you play it. Name. The QR Scanner is a new feature that can be found in the main menu of the game. Dugtrio can sometimes be seen traversing inaccessible rocky portions of the cave. This volcano is active and is where Kiawe gives his trial, and so the Totem Pokémon Salazzle dwells here. Abilities: Effect Spore - Dry Skin - Damp (Hidden Ability) Effect Spore: The opponent has a 10% chance of being induced by PARALYZE, POISON, or SLEEP when using an attack, that requires physical contact, against this Pokémon. Xurkitree appears to be based on sparking electrical wires and power-lines. Island: Akala. Instead, a scan regenerates 1 every 2 hours, and the game stores up to 10 scans for you to use at any. PokéRide used in Route 15: Lapras Paddle. Location: Konikoni City. Area Anchors. Route 8, Route 15, Brooklet Hill, Hano Beach, Kala'e Bay Festival Plaza Shop Route 8: Dusk Ball: A somewhat different Poké Ball that makes it easier to catch wild Pokémon at night or in dark places like caves. Once during each player's turn, that player may search their deck for a Basic Pokémon or Basic Pokémon, put it onto their Bench, and shuffle their deck. 5. The cliffside can only be accessed via Route 8. The Net Ball is a PokéBall that works best on a Water or Bug type Pokémon. When it comes across enemies or potential prey, this Pokémon smashes its water-bubble-covered head into them. Abilities: Swift Swim - Oblivious - Adaptability (Hidden Ability): Swift Swim: When rainy, The Pokémon’s Speed doubles. Zoroark - Master of Illusions. Evolves via trade. Mount Hokulani is the second largest mountain in the Alola Region. Island: Ula'ula. Hano Beach is the beach connected to the Hano Grand Resort and is a massive tourist spot. Databases. Details: If you go to Lana's house in Konikoni City and go to the back room. During the day, it sleeps and soaks up light. Talk to the fisherman to battle Fisherman Ernest. Specialty: Water-type. O. Malie City (Japanese: マリエシティ Malie City) is a coastal city situated on Ula'ula Island of the Alola region. Items. Center. Brooklet Hill in the Dragon Storm Pokémon Trading Card Game Set. Despite what its appearance suggests, it cares for others. Route 9 is a very small route that connects Konikoni City and Memorial Hill. Items. At Brooklet Hill, Sun encountered a wild Solo Form Wishiwashi that he befriended and nicknamed Quarter. Battle Chains each have a small chance of. Due to its poor appearance, it is largely ignored by predators. 4kg. It is a popular date spot enjoyed by many couples and Pokémon. Pokemon. Island: Ula'ula. It has large, deep-set eyes and big, pink lips. North Exit: Konikoni City. Route 11 is another small route that runs off of Malie City. West Exit: Big Wave Beach. This weakens Electric-type moves for five turns. S. Access To: Diglett's Tunnel. Bold indicates a move that. However, you can't just scan every single QR code instantly. Location of Route 8 in Alola. This Pokédex entry is for Generation VII Pokémon games. O. May lower opponent's Speed one stage. . Mallow's trial takes place in this jungle and the Totem Pokémon, Lurantis, dwells here. Finneon is a small fishlike Pokémon with an ellipsoid body. Trainers. Brooklet Hill is the designated site for the Island Challenge. Moss Rock. It has no wild grass but does have a fishing spot and a police station. Details: Reach the bottom and it will start to rain. Route 14, Diglett's Tunnel, Memorial Hill, Vast Poni Canyon Festival Plaza Shop Route 8: Fast BallAn Alomomola appeared in Brooklet Hill in True Identity and the Totem Pokémon of Brooklet Hill. Memorial Hill is the cemetery on Akala Island for people and Pokémon who have passed. Route 5 (Japanese: 5番道路 Route 5) is a route on Alola 's Akala Island, connecting Paniola Ranch, Brooklet Hill, Lush Jungle, and Route 8 . 5,120. Diglett's Tunnel (Japanese: ディグダトンネル Digda Tunnel) is a location on Akala Island in Alola, connecting to Heahea City in the north and Route 9 in the south. East Exit: Memorial Hill. Abilities: Water Absorb - Damp - Swift Swim (Hidden Ability): Water Absorb: The Pokémon heals up to 1/4 of its maximum Hit Points when hit with Water-type moves. In the northern part of the route is a rock around which, if you. After you make it through Route 5 and defeat Gladion on the way, you reach Brooklet Hill. Turn south after the bridge to find a Net Ball, then talk to the fisherman to start a battle. Trainers. The Pokémon you will discover here are not from the Alola Pokédex and include the starters from Kanto, Kalos & Hoenn. 75. The dorsal fin is triangular with a hole in the middle. Totem Sticker. It runs along a waterfall on a high cliffside.